There were thrusts under the soft soil; later, thrusts
Stopped. Corporal Gambley squinted at it, a hand
Open like a fan, Lady Windermere’s, its thumb
Strangely imperative in the overgrown silence.
“This trench is done, Sergeant.” Sergeant Appleby spat
The last sixteen hours of dead-counting on to the stiff palm
And wiped his nose with his sleeve, not unkindly,
As Gambley cried: pointlessly, without catharsis, like drizzle
On a desert. Captain Quill had no time for interrupting
The exigencies of the moment, or for speculating
As to this moment’s place in history,
Or for history, past or future. He reviewed the field, corners of.
Saw bits of: England, Ireland, New Zealand, from which
Men had sailed into iron.
When this fucking war is over,
Private Hollis whispered to himself,
I shall take the train, south, visit cathedrals, swoon in awe
Of omnipotence: God’s gargoyles winking
And the majesty of free will. And I shan’t fucking ask why
Any of this happened. Rain buries that hand now.
But nothing is as inevitable as rain.
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