Tuesday, June 11, 2013

His Trousers Stayed Clean

Admiral Thomas Cochrane
Was known as le loup de mer—
A name the French awarded him;
You could say it was his nom de guerre.

You could say he was the greatest captain
A frigate ever had
But such a bold assertion
Might be thought a tad

Unseemly, given the other
Admirals I could mention:
Shovell, Byng and Norris,
Who are surely in contention.

But none, ’tis said, did more
To further the British cause
Than Cochrane, the victor of
The Napoleonic wars.

He had a way with the matelots,
Addressed them in their lingo
And then he sank their ruddy ships
Without remorse, by Jingo!

He always chose the dangerous course,
His motto was “I’ll risk it!”
And of all his daring exploits
This one takes the biscuit:

He disguised himself as Bonaparte
And boldly stepped aboard
La Méduse, as the sparkling sun
Shone brightly on his sword

And, addressing the ship’s company,
With a confident cri-de-coeur,
He gave the order to set sail,
To wit: “À l’eau, c’est l’heure!”