Wednesday, November 27, 2013

The Seven Most Dangerous People In The World

Part I: The People He Isn’t

There was Edgar from The Netherlands,
Whose truly dreadful deeds
Included earnest pillage
And the massacre of the Swedes,
Not forgetting Ms Guðmundsdóttir,
Commonly known as Björk,
Who divers times defrauded
The Lords Spiritual of York;
And Mr Pym of Ludlow,
Whose only saving grace
Was frying his victims in the dark
So they never saw his face.
As for Gilda Harrison,
’Tis said she had the gall
Not only to rob Peter
But also to burgle Paul;
While Charlie Chin, the chemist,
Contrived a cunning plan
To pour acid over Douglas
And dissolve the Isle of Man.
Sue Barlow had a novel way
To reward those who’d been toiling;
She took them out in a pea-green boat
And drowndéd the whole boiling.

But compared to ’orrible Auric,
They pale against his prime –
Being merely minor miscreants
In the pantheon of crime.

Part 2: The Man Himself - Then

Dangerous?  I’d say so!
For even Danger cringes
When Auric puts his boots on
And begins his bullion binges.

He’s appalling at gin rummy,
He has no sense of fairness,
And, though gauche in his golfing gear,
Betrays no self-awareness.

According to his sister,
The gorgeous gamine, Gretel,
He’s absolutely potty
About dense and ductile metal;

So palpably potty,
So far out of his box,
The dunderheaded duffer
Plans to break into Fort Knox!

Part 3: The Same Man - Now

Who took the steps to stop this loon
From whom all sense absconded?
Why, Madam, since you care to ask,
The answer is: James Bond did.

Alas, poor Auric, you no longer
Strut great history’s stage,
You’ve gone from powerful player
To faint footnote on the page,

Remembered without affection,
A man whose heart was cold;
Whose brain was made of bubblegum
But whose finger was made of gold.

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